The Secret to Social Media: Posting with Purpose

We all know that content is king, especially on social media. However, many brands still struggle with creating compelling, quality content that drives engagement and results. A lot of companies associate quality with quantity, and that is not always the case on social media. You can post multiple times a day on all of your social channels, but if the content is not relevant and engaging, it will be ignored. 

Consumers want content. They want to learn something. They want to feel something. They want to know more about your company than what it does. They want to know why. Quality content that drives sales doesn’t feel like you’re selling. As Gary Vaynerchuk puts it, “Success comes from acting like a media channel, not a sales outlet.” You need to provide some sort of value for your followers (entertainment, education, etc.).

Generally speaking, content is best consumed in short snippets. It’s invoking a feeling or offering to fulfill a consumer’s need or desire. It’s teaching people something new. It’s intentional. The reason companies do well and win the engagement war is because they’re connecting their content with what their audience is looking for or interested in. 

When it comes to your personal brand, people are paying attention to those who are putting out content they connect with. People want to know what you’re doing and why. They want thought leadership in areas they’re interested in. When Daymond John says, “People want to know your story,” he’s telling you that your audience wants to connect with you on a deeper, personal level. Your online presence should reflect who you are and it needs to have a purpose. In essence, don’t speak just to hear the sound of your own voice. Say something that is going to resonate with your audience. 

My own experience as a TV reporter and an entrepreneur is the reason I think differently about media and messaging strategy. I believe that thinking as a strategic storyteller is just as important for a journalist as it is for a business executive. The message is key in everything businesses, brands and executives do. Clear, consistent, and compelling messaging creates quality content that connects with your audience or followers. Your online presence is only as good as the content you create and distribute. As the authors of “Play Bigger” write, “Position yourself or be positioned.” If you don’t tell your story, someone else will tell it for you. 

When working with executives and brands to build a positive online presence, our team is focused on controlling the message. Social media is critical for communicating your message and engaging current customers and employees. You deserve a thoughtful social media strategy with messaging and quality content to support your communication goals. Each post has a purpose.

At the end of the day, Vaynerchuk says it best: “All you have is your brand. You have to build your brand.” 

We know that social media influences consumer behavior. Consumers are making decisions based on content and your online presence. Are you posting with purpose?